
Sunday, May 31, 2020

3.Increase Performance on your PC and on Fortnite

3. Fortnite appdata and in-game optimization
First go to your search bar, type this  %localappdata% or paste it in your search and click the folder.
 when in the folder find the folder FortniteGame>saved>config>windowsclient>gameusersettings.ini, then right click it and go to properties, tick read only off and then apply and then get in the txt file. Find these settings and turn off shading and foliage to off. And then go back to properties and tick the read only button so it doesn't get reverted back.
 when that's done go to fortnite and turn everything off except view distance to far or epic then turn on vsync and multithread rendering to on and try to make your resolution to 1280:720 16:9 on fullscreen.

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