
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Windows Debloating bloatware and antispyware

First start by copying this shell program: iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
when copied go to the windows icon and right click it
then click Powershell (admin) and paste the script in the shell script, click enter and you should be presented with a tab. when here click bloatware but if you are uncomfortable about losing data then click customize blacklist, when checked what you don't need do remove customized blacklist bloatware, when done click disable Cortana stop Edge PDF takeover, unpin tiles from start menu, disable Telemetry and Remove bloatware Regkeys, then install .NET 3.5 and (this is optional) enable Dark mode. Then go download this: , this will basically make your PC better and privater, then you should have this
go to Actions and click recommended settings, if it says make a restore point, click yes and you will have to restart your computer or laptop and you have a better PC.

TNTina's Destroy drop boxes Challenge

When you are ready to get the shadow or ghost, picking each side have to destroy the other faction drop boxes, basically if you pick shadow you have to throw explosives at the ghost drop boxes or you picked for ghost so explode the shadow drop boxes, how many? 2 of them.
And you got TNTina her faction variant!

Brutus security plans Challenge

Now i am not gonna tell every location, i am gonna tell you which location is easier, here how to do it, go to The Yacht and land underneath it in the front of the yacht, break the wall that looks like it's something that can be opened, when inside you can see two boats and a henchmen chest go through the door until you see a turret or the hallway to the vault don't go there look behind you will find like a big machine with a monitor, if you can interact with it, get the security plans and go to Steamy Stacks, here is how they look like Fortnite Security Plans The Rig, Yacht, and Shark - Ghost and ...
when in Steamy Stacks just find the drop boxes and give it to the drop boxes, and you got Brutus the shadow or ghost variant. Here are the drop boxes locations in Steamy Stacks.